
Scanner - actual numbers from the day (2018/19).

  1. inplane anatomy - T1w, 2D MPRAGE. 24 slices, inplane voxel size: 1.5 mm, slice thickness 3 mm (same prescription as fMRI data). Matrix size 128 x 128.
  2. fMRI data (and all fMRI scans) 2D gradient-echo EPI, TR 1.5s, TE 40ms, FA: 72º, scene localiser scan: 294 (288+4) dynamics, retinotopy scan: 160 dynamics. Voxel size 3mm isotropic (acquired). Matrix size 64 x 64. Note: the scanner reconstruction may have changed the “reconstructed voxel size” to something else, for mathematical expediency. (Check the dimensions in the actual data with fslinfo or fslhd.)
  3. whole head anatomy - T1w 3D MPRAGE. Matrix size 256 x 256, 160 slices. Reconstructed as sagittal images. voxel size 1 mm isotropic. TE 3.7 ms, TR 8.13 ms, FA 8°, TI 960 ms, and linear phase encoding order.
  4. across the subjects we also acquired various other data sets (including diffusion weighted, a T2 weighted anatomy scan (using multiple echoes), … but we didn’t find time to analyze these in class.