The aims of this lesson are:
images (pre-2017b we need a toolbox, now support is native). See the first exercise below.makeMontage()
For the first part of the session, I will do a coding walk-through with some narrated advice on problem solving, etc. In the second part of the session, you will then apply the ideas from the first part of make your own function for extracting timecourses from data.
function for displaying 3d imaging data. Plan out / design / write makeMontage()
If you want, you can also have a more detailed look at the files and exercises in the matlab_images folder.
In the second part of the session, we want you to make use of the ideas we introduced in the first part to:
, xcoord
, ycoord
and zcoord
(the coordinates should be in the format that fsl
uses… in particular, start counting at 0, not 1 like matlab…!!)tcourse
inside the function)% tcourse = returnTimecourse(data, xcoord, ycoord, zcoord);
% so you can use it with
cd('fmri.feat') % go into the folder
data = niftiread('filtered_func_data.nii.gz');
% use it like this...
t = returnTimecourse(data, 30, 5, 2);
plot(t, 'linewidth',2)
ylabel('fMRI response')
) gets translated into 1-indexing
in matlab use…plot()
throws errorsplot()
then check whether you are doing the right thing to get a 1-d vector for plotting (maybe check with size()
folderYou can try to download my version from this link [requires UoN login]
have a look at my solution of makeMontage.m – this is not exactly the file I worked with in class, but follows exactly the same logic.
for returnTimecourse()
there is a way you could handle multiple voxels in one go for indexing. The ideas you have to work with are:
% load 4d data
data = niftiread('filtered_func_data.nii.gz');
% reshape ...
sz = size(data);
sz_space = sz(1)*sz(2)*sz(3)
sz_time = sz(4)
data_snake = reshape(data,[sz_space sz_time]);
idea 2: turn the 3d voxel locations indices (sub) to linear indices (ind) using the matlab function sub2ind()
to know how to turn e.g. a list of x
, y
, z
values into the linear indices…x = [30,31,32];
y = [5,5,5];
z = [2,2,2];
t = [1, 1, 1];
linear_idx = sub2ind(size(data),x,y,z,t);
% then
tcourses = data_snake(linear_idx,:);
% make sure they are columns
tcourses = tcourses';