Useful operators, commands, and concepts for this unit…
, figure()
, clf
, for
, colormap
Given the following data, find a way to plot a family of curves in the same figure window, for each combination of $\mu$, $\sigma$, and with appropriately coloured lines.
x = linspace(-3,3,100);
mus = [-1, -0.5, 0, +0.5, 1];
sigmas = [0.5, 0.5, 1, 2, 2];
colors = parula(5);
% for one...
y = normcdf(x, mus(1), sigmas(1));
plot(x,y,'color', colors(1,:)); % first in the "family"
Step one in solving this problem could be to figure out how to calculate the ``y`` values in a loop (and worry about the plotting later).
% how many parameters?
nParams = numel(mus); % if we grow the vector this will still work
% now loop from 1...nParams
for iParam = 1:nParams
y = normcdf(x, mus(iParam), sigmas(iParam));
This code picks the first element of ``mus`` and ``sigmas`` on the first iteration, the second on the second iteration, etc.
But ``y`` gets over-written each time we go through the loop. That's fine for here, but you could think about how to keep hold on to that information instead.
Step two in solving this problem could be to figure out how to plot one thing on top of another...
% how many parameters?
nParams = numel(mus); % if we grow the vector this will still work
figure % make a new figure window
% now loop from 1...nParams
for iParam = 1:nParams
y = rand( size(x) ); % make something random of correct size
plot(x, y, 'k'); % k -> black lines
hold('on'); % make sure you don't erase
% the following also works...
% hold on
Step 3 is to pick a different colour each time...
% how many parameters?
nParams = numel(mus);
figure % make a new figure window
for iParam = 1:nParams
y = rand( size(x) ); % make something random of correct size
theColor = colors(iParam, :); % pick the i'th row
plot(x, y, 'color', theColor );
hold('on'); % make sure you don't erase
% the following also works...
% hold on
nParams = numel(mus);
figure % make a new figure window
for iParam = 1:nParams
% make a new y, using consecutive mus and sigmas!
y = normcdf(x, mus(iParam), sigmas(iParam));
theColor = colors(iParam, :); % pick the i'th row
plot(x, y, 'color', theColor );
hold('on'); % make sure you don't erase
Nesting loops - how to loop over loops.