Element and matrix operations!


Working with whole vectors / matrices is not the same as working on elements.

unless you specifically want to do matrix algebra you'll usually need the "dotted versions", e.g. .* and ./

Indexing elements

Accessing certain parts of a vector/matrix: key idea

Use indexing. If you want to get hold of parts of a matrix::

a = [1, 2, 3,
     4, 5, 6]

specify row and column::

a(1,1)	% element at row=1, column=1
a(2,1)	% element at row=2, column=1

Indexing (many rows, columns)

a = [1, 2, 3;
     4, 5, 6]

what does the following do?

a([1 2],1)	% elements at row=[1 2], column=1
a([1 2],[1 3])	% elements at rows 1 and 2, columns 1 and 3

Indexing (tricks)

Special tricks to get hold of all rows/columns : (colon)

a = [1, 2, 3;
     4, 5, 6]

specify all rows

a(:,1)  % elements for ALL rows, column=1

or all til the end of the matrix

a(1, 2:end )  % elements at row 1 , columns 2 to end

2 dimensions

rows then columns

the order in which we think about the data is important!

more than 2 dimensions

rows, columns, 3rd^\textsf{rd} dim, [more dimensions]

can think of those by analogy to an Excel spreadsheet?

rows, columns, sheets, ...

More than 2 dimensions

  • many kinds of data have more than 2d
  • anatomical brain images: 3d (many 2d images)
  • fMRI data: 4d (many 3d volumes)
  • can you think of others?
  • Matlab handles these easily::
V = rand(10, 10, 5); % 10-by-10-by-5 array
V(7,8,2) % returns element at that index

Storing things other than numbers

  • other kinds of data, not just "numbers"
  • e.g. text is stored as character strings
  • more abstract data types: struct, cell,
  • we'll meet some of them later