Index, loop, branch

Last time, we covered lots of material

  • basic syntax
  • general ideas about programming
  • importance of documenting things
  • just trying things out!

Today, we'll try to make this relevant to real application

Logical variables, controls, if/else

  • So far: bits of code get executed once with one set of inputs
  • sometimes want to do some things in certain conditions
  • and often we want to do (similar) things many times over
  • at the heart of this lie logical variables, branching and loops

Logical values & variables

  • logical values: true and false
  • these are actually functions like ones()
>> a = true(2,10) % 20 truths ;
  • 0 and false are equivalent
  • non-0 and true are equivalent

Testing if logical values are same

  • test for logical equivalence with ==
>> 2 == 5       % is this true?
>> (2+3) == 5   % ... and this?
>> (2 == 5) == false   % what's this?

Other comparisons

relational operatopr (relop) meaning
< is smaller?
<= is smaller or equal?
> is bigger?
>= is bigger or equal?
== is equal?
~= is not equal?

Combining logical values

  • to test whether A and B are true: A && B
  • ... A or B are true: A || B
  • && and || are binary operators
a = rand(1); % one random number between 0,1
% the following is true if 0.3 < a < 0.7
closeToMiddle = (a > 0.3) && (a < 0.7)

if / else

Run a part of your script only if some condition (A) is met

if / else in code

% make a random number between 0, 1
a = rand(1)

% now test if this time s is > or < than 0.5
if a > 0.5
    disp('chance favours the prepared mind')

another example

reply = input('Do you want more? Y/N [Y]:','s');

if isempty(reply) || strcmp(reply, 'y')
    % if the reply variable is empty
    % or if the string comparision with lowercase 'y' is true
    reply = 'Y';
  • what do you think isempty() does? And strcmp() ?

and another example

Often some values for a variable make no sense. E.g. a negative number of subjects shouldn't happen!

if nSubjects < 0
    disp('number of subjects ill-defined')
elseif nSubjects == 0
    disp('there were 0 subjects')
    disp(['there were ' num2str(nSubjects) ' subjects' ])

Note: other ways of branching

  • there is also another way to branch
  • switch / case is sometimes more elegant than if / else
  • we'll meet an application of this in exercises

Logical indexing

Sometimes we want logical tests on all elements in an array

In Matlab, the logical operators work there, too!

a = rand(10,1)  % a column of 10 random #s
a > 0.5  % a column of 0 (false) and 1 (true)
whereTrue = a > 0.5  % store the information

Loops (for...end)

Basic idea of a loop is to repeat some code many times


for loopIteration = 1:10
    % on each interation, the variable
    % loopIteration takes on the next value on list
    disp('The current loop count is:')

Loops (what's inside)

  • allocate space for variables you need fill before loop
  • don't "grow" arrays (it's memory & time costly)
  • try to make the limits of your loops variable(s)::

not great (why?)

for iCounter = 1:10 % AVOID
    ... % and so on


nIterations = 10; % BETTER
for iIteration = 1:nIterations
    ... % and so on

Loops (while)

A different way of looping through data is to use while.

This keeps on running until some condition becomes false

n = 0;
nCumulative = 0;
while nCumulative < 100
    n  = n + 1;
    nCumulative = nCumulative + n;
    disp(['n: ' num2str(n) ' cumul: ' num2str(nCumulative)])