To raise awareness about the actual number of traffic accidents in our neighbourhood I have decided to do some number crunching and plotting (since this is what I do a lot of in my day job as a scientist).
I will try to bring out the numbers as clearly as I can (and I will let them speak for themselves). There is no claim for completeness, but if you want to inspect how I went about it the code (in R
) is published on my github
To start: a map
These are data from the stats19
database from the 5 year period 2015-2019.
I have merged the “casualties” and “accidents” tables available from
to combine information of who got injured and where the accident occurredonly cases handled by the “Nottinghamshire” police are included
this map only includes cases where the speed limit was <= 40mph
pedestrian casualties are shown in red, cyclists in magenta, others (such as people in cars) in blue. Pedestrians and cyclists are shown with slighly larger symbols.