
Nottingham Psychology data club resources

How DALL-E sees our data club

Some materials for the lunchtime (?) data club, an informal weekly/fortnightly meeting at the University of Nottingham.


Bring people with varied backgrounds together to talk about, unpack, learn about quantitative methods for data

Github repo

You can find notes, presentations, and code at the ng-data-club github repository.

Discussion forum

You can also check out the github discussion forum for the data club. A good place to share ideas, links, etc.


date Presenter Topic
Wed 23 Nov 2022 DS/MvR Overview, discussion, ideas [slides], [meeting notes]
Wed 07 Dec 2022 Tomas Fiers julia, version control [slides]
Wed 14 Dec 2022 MvR Linear regression [slides]
Wed 18 Jan 2023 DS Markdown, quarto, mixing text + computations [slides]
Wed 15 Jan 2023 everyone Interactive session: your 2 best tips for others, a question/problem from your work [notes]
Wed 8 Feb 2023 Hazem Interactions / stats / discussion [notes]
Wed 22 Feb 2023 DS Tidy data - thinking about organising tabular (and other) data [notes]
Wed 8 Mar 2023 Josefina Effect sizes, etc - journal club [notes]
data visualisation    
Wed 29 Mar 2023 DS Launch of data visualisation block - ideas - Grammar of Graphics [notes]
Thur 25 May 2023   Special Data Visualisation event Andy Kirk [notes]
Wed 28 June 2023   PCA, ICA, dimensionality reduction materials (zip)
2024 reboot    
Tue 2024-11-05 Leo Cohen UP-ESLC-A09, Count distributions and analyses – Poisson and Negative Binomial [notes]
Tue 2024-11-19 James Read-Tannock UP-ESLC-A09, Non-Normal, No Problem: A Crash Course in Non-Parametric Statistics [notes, links & some code]
Tue 2024-12-03   UP-ESLC-A09, (update) Nick Myers hosts visiting speaker, UP-PSYC A1: Prof Martin Hebart
Tue 2024-12-17 MvR UP-ESLC-A09, Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling [notes]
TBC Everyone Discussion round - your most/least favourite plots. BYOP - bring your own plot
Tue 2025-01-07 DS UP-ESLC-A09, (rescheduled) Version control / git/github Zero to Hero(ish) [notes]
Tue 2025-01-21 Damian Eke UP, Data Ethics, Governance

Code of conduct

We have a code of conduct that applies to our meetings, emails, MS Teams, github discussion forum and other interactions. Please have a look at it.

Ideas for meetings / wishlist

We will try to keep meetings informal with some guided discussion by presenters that will change week by week.

Structure will be around:

  1. I want answer the following question with my data… How do I do that? and/or
  2. I know the following technique, which could help you with bla…

2022-11-23 - first meeting


Organised by Denis Schluppeck and Mark v Rossum

artwork by DALL-E ( using the prompt: “a robot performing data analysis reading computer code with mathematic symbols standing in front of a whiteboard photorealistic”