Denis Schluppeck bio photo

Denis Schluppeck

Neuroscientist, vision, fMRI


Recruiting functional brain networks to improve sight after stroke

Applications are invited for a fully funded Fight for Sight PhD Studentship. The aim of the PhD is to estimate the capacity of brain pathways to generate vision in the cortically blind field of stroke survivors, using a combination of visual perimetry, magnetic resonance imaging and psychophysics. The deadline for applications is 29th March 2018. Start date will be in October 2018.

The PhD student will work under the supervision of Dr Ben Webb and Dr Denis Schluppeck who are part of the Visual Neuroscience Group at the School of Psychology.

The Visual Neuroscience Group – eight faculty members and a large cohort of postdoctoral fellows and PhD students – has a diverse range of interests in neuroscience, human perception, learning, and decision making. Research is supported by excellent laboratory and research facilities, and there is a firm commitment to the development of early career researchers.

How to apply

Applications should be sent by e-mail to Ben Webb and include

  • a two-page CV
  • the names and addresses of two referees, and
  • a covering letter outlining the reasons for applying.