Denis Schluppeck bio photo

Denis Schluppeck

Associate Professor, School of Psychology, University of Nottingham

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Schluppeck D, McGraw PV
"Measuring residual visual function after cerebral damage – a potential path for optimising rehabilitation approaches"
Blindness, Progress In Brain Research, 1st ed, Vol 292 (forthcoming, May 2025), Editors: Danny Ball, Ramiro M. Joly-Mascheroni [Announcement online]


Deng B, Song S, French AP, Schluppeck D, Pound MP
"Advancing Saliency Ranking with Human Fixations: Dataset Models and Benchmarks"
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024, pp. 28348-28357 [Article online]


Asghar M, Sanchez-Panchuelo R, Schluppeck D, Francis S
"Two-Dimensional Population Receptive Field Mapping of Human Primary Somatosensory Cortex"
Brain Topogr. 2023 [via DOI] [Article online]


Howley E, Francis S, Schluppeck D
"fRAT: an interactive, Python-based tool for region-of-interest summaries of functional imaging data"
Journal of Open Source Software, 8(85), 5200 [via DOI] [github]


Elson R, Schluppeck D, Johnston A
"fMRI evidence that hyper-caricatured faces activate object-selective cortex"
Front. Psychol., 12 January 2023 [via DOI] [Article online]


Beh A, McGraw PV, Schluppeck D
"The effects of simulated hemianopia on eye movements during text reading"
Vision Res. 2022, 204, Article 108163 [via DOI] [Article online]


Khalife S, Francis ST, Schluppeck D, Sánchez-Panchuelo RM, Besle J
"Fast event-related mapping of population fingertip tuning properties in human sensorimotor cortex at 7T"
eNeuro 1 September 2022, ENEURO.0069-22.2022 [via DOI] [Article online]


Beh A, McGraw PV, Webb BS, Schluppeck D
"Linking Multi-Modal MRI to Clinical Measures of Visual Field Loss After Stroke"
Front. Neurosci., 05 January 2022 [via DOI] [Article online]


O'Neill GC, Sengupta A, Asghar M, Barratt EL, Besle J, Schluppeck D, Francis ST, Sanchez-Panchuelo RM
"A probabilistic atlas of finger dominance in the primary somatosensory cortex"
Neuroimage. 2020;116880. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Sanchez-Panchuelo RM, Besle J, Schluppeck D, Humberstone M, Francis S
"Somatotopy in the human somatosensory system"
Front Hum Neurosci. 2018 Jun 12;12:235. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Schluppeck D, Sanchez-Panchuelo RM, Francis ST.
"Exploring structure and function of sensory cortex with 7T MRI."
Neuroimage. 2017 Feb 2. pii: S1053-8119(17)30103-9. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Zamboni E, Ledgeway T, McGraw PV, Schluppeck, D.
"Do perceptual biases emerge early or late in visual processing? -- Decision-biases in motion perception"
Proc Biol Sci. 2016 Jun 29;283(1833) [PubMed] [via DOI] [Supp. Material, github]


Schluppeck D, Francis S
"Somatosensory Processing."
In: Arthur W. Toga, editor. Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. Academic Press: Elsevier; 2015. pp. 549-552.


Goncalves NR, Ban H, Sánchez-Panchuelo RM, Francis ST, Schluppeck D, Welchman AE.
"7 tesla FMRI reveals systematic functional organization for binocular disparity in dorsal visual cortex."
J Neurosci. 2015 Feb 18;35(7):3056-72. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Sanchez Panchuelo RM, Schluppeck D, Harmer J, Bowtell R, Francis S.
"Assessing the spatial precision of SE and GE-BOLD contrast at 7 Tesla."
Brain Topogr. 2015 Jan;28(1):62-5. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Xing Y, Ledgeway T, McGraw P, Schluppeck D.
"The influence of spatial pattern on visual short-term memory for contrast."
Atten Percept Psychophys. 2014 Oct;76(7):1925-32. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Besle J, Sánchez-Panchuelo RM, Bowtell R, Francis S, Schluppeck D.
"Event-related fMRI at 7T reveals overlapping cortical representations for adjacent fingertips in S1 of individual subjects."
Hum Brain Mapp. 2014 May;35(5):2027-43. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Xing Y, Ledgeway T, McGraw PV, Schluppeck D.
"Decoding working memory of stimulus contrast in early visual cortex."
J Neurosci. 2013 Jun 19;33(25):10301-11. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Sánchez-Panchuelo RM, Besle J, Mougin O, Gowland P, Bowtell R, Schluppeck D, Francis S.
"Regional structural differences across functionally parcellated Brodmann areas of human primary somatosensory cortex."
Neuroimage. 2014 Jun;93 Pt 2:221-30. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Besle J, Sánchez-Panchuelo RM, Bowtell R, Francis S, Schluppeck D.
"Single-subject fMRI mapping at 7 T of the representation of fingertips in S1: a comparison of event-related and phase-encoding designs."
J Neurophysiol. 2013 May;109(9):2293-305 [PubMed] [via DOI]


Sanchez-Panchuelo RM, Besle J, Beckett A, Bowtell R, Schluppeck D, Francis S.
"Within-digit functional parcellation of Brodmann areas of the human primary somatosensory cortex using functional magnetic resonance imaging at 7 tesla."
J Neurosci. 2012 Nov 7;32(45):15815-22. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Beckett A, Peirce JW, Sanchez-Panchuelo RM, Francis S, Schluppeck D.
"Contribution of large scale biases in decoding of direction-of-motion from high-resolution fMRI data in human early visual cortex."
Neuroimage. 2012 Nov 15;63(3):1623-32. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Sánchez-Panchuelo RM, Francis ST, Schluppeck D, Bowtell RW.
"Correspondence of human visual areas identified using functional and anatomical MRI in vivo at 7 T."
J Magn Reson Imaging. 2012 Feb;35(2):287-99. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Offen S, Gardner JL, Schluppeck D, Heeger DJ.
"Differential roles for frontal eye fields (FEFs) and intraparietal sulcus (IPS) in visual working memory and visual attention."
J Vis. 2010 Sep 29;10(11):28. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Sanchez-Panchuelo RM, Francis S, Bowtell R, Schluppeck D.
"Mapping human somatosensory cortex in individual subjects with 7T functional MRI."
J Neurophysiol. 2010 May;103(5):2544-56. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Stevens LK, McGraw PV, Ledgeway T, Schluppeck D.
"Temporal characteristics of global motion processing revealed by transcranial magnetic stimulation."
Eur J Neurosci. 2009 Dec;30(12):2415-26. [via DOI]


Sapountzis P, Schluppeck D, Bowtell R, Peirce JW.
"A comparison of fMRI adaptation and multivariate pattern classification analysis in visual cortex."
Neuroimage. 2010 Jan 15;49(2):1632-40. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Offen S, Schluppeck D, Heeger DJ.
"The role of early visual cortex in visual short-term memory and visual attention."
Vision Res. 2009 Jun;49(10):1352-62. [PubMed] [via DOI]


Levy I, Schluppeck D, Heeger DJ, Glimcher PW.
"Specificity of human cortical areas for reaches and saccades."
J Neurosci. 2007 Apr 25;27(17):4687-96. [PubMed]


Schluppeck D, Curtis CE, Glimcher PW, Heeger DJ.
"Sustained activity in topographic areas of human posterior parietal cortex during memory-guided saccades."
J Neurosci. 2006 May 10;26(19):5098-108. [PubMed]


Ewbank MP, Schluppeck D, Andrews TJ.
"fMR-adaptation reveals a distributed representation of inanimate objects and places in human visual cortex."
Neuroimage. 2005 Oct 15;28(1):268-79. [PubMed]


Schluppeck D, Glimcher P, Heeger DJ.
"Topographic organization for delayed saccades in human posterior parietal cortex."
J Neurophysiol. 2005 Aug;94(2):1372-84. [PubMed]


Furmanski CS, Schluppeck D, Engel SA.
"Learning strengthens the response of primary visual cortex to simple patterns."
Curr Biol. 2004 Apr 6;14(7):573-8. [PubMed]


Andrews TJ, Schluppeck D.
"Neural responses to Mooney images reveal a modular representation of faces in human visual cortex."
Neuroimage. 2004 Jan;21(1):91-8. [PubMed]


Schluppeck D, Engel SA.
"Color opponent neurons in V1: a review and model reconciling results from imaging and single-unit recording."
J Vis. 02;2(6):480-92. Review. [PubMed]


Andrews TJ, Schluppeck D, Homfray D, Matthews P, Blakemore C.
"Activity in the fusiform gyrus predicts conscious perception of Rubin's vase-face illusion."
Neuroimage. 2002 Oct;17(2):890-901. [PubMed]


Andrews TJ, Schluppeck D.
"Ambiguity in the perception of moving stimuli is resolved in favour of the cardinal axes."
Vision Res. 2000;40(25):3485-93. [PubMed]