LLMs - large language models

Background, how to use in your code editors, through APIs, etc


Walter van Heuven

Session date:

March 4, 2025


An overview of large language model, how to use them in practice (in code editors and through API calls).

  • pdf of slides from WvH’s presentation, with lots of useful links and tips.


UP-PSYC B37 - Psychology lecture theatre

12noon - 1pm

Photo Credit

Photo by Google DeepMind from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/an-artist-s-illustration-of-artificial-intelligence-ai-this-illustration-depicts-language-models-which-generate-text-it-was-created-by-wes-cockx-as-part-of-the-visualising-ai-project-l-18069695/